Study habits

The second week has gone pretty well, so far. I am thoroughly enjoying having 4 days of the week with no class. That said, it’s not all easy, and I still have responsibilities to juggle, but it could be a lot worse.

My 8 A.M. class, Business Communication, is still kind of lame, but having it first in the morning is probably a good thing. The room is freezing cold, too, so I stay awake… but when 10:30 comes around, and I’m in my third class, it becomes hard to stay awake. Yesterday I fell asleep in lecture and the girl sitting next to me woke me up and pointed out something that the prof said was really important.
I was also towards the back of the room…. BI102 is my largest class, and I’m not a “sit-in-back” type. It was very annoying, because people will just have conversations right over the lecture, or blast their iPod headphones, and everything happens at exactly the same volume level as the distant professor’s lecture. Very hard to concentrate and absorb information. I don’t see why these people come to class at all.

Other than that, most of my classes are still reviewing material that I already know, and all of them will be done reviewing that material fairly soon. That will be the real test, when I’m handling tons of new information simultaneously. Right now I’m just getting used to the routines, without the new content.

I’m still worried about setting up the right study habits. I think that I had the high school system totally figured out so that I could get by with minimal stress: I figured out that studying material is very important, and that sometimes time in class is really a waste. So sometimes I would ditch class in an effort to be more productive with that time. I also learned which homework was and wasn’t necessary to learn the material, and so I shunned “busywork” consistently, sometimes at the expense of my grade. And in doing so I have become a lazy procrastinator.
But I learned that test grades are not everything, and that there is a very large amount of participation and homework grades that can pad a less-than-stellar test grade, so I could still get by.

College is going to be very different, I think. It’s even more responsibility placed on myself and my self-discipline. There is very little – if any – credit given for participation or homework, and it factors very heavily on test grades. My macroeconomics grade is completely based on 4 tests. Professors still give homework, but so far very little of it is ever handed in or given a grade. It’s just there for my benefit. I do like the flexibility that system gives me, but since I know I have a lazy procrastinator problem, it also gives me a good deal of stress.

I’m going to have to train myself to do the homework, regardless of its point value, so that I’ll perform well on the tests. I have always been fairly laid back when it comes to getting grades on tests- if I get a C, and I worked really hard on it, I’m not kicking myself for not doing better on it. (I also probably don’t guilt myself enough when I score a low grade due to my own laziness.) Now, though, since tests are worth so much more, I’ll have to be a lot more anal about studying for them.

I actually like studying, and don’t mind homework when I’m actually doing it, but for some reason I have a ton of trouble getting around to doing it! I get distracted by five million other things that I would rather do. My solution last year was kicking myself out of the house and going to Gold Bar. I plan on doing something similar here, but I wish that I could just be responsible and get stuff done at home.
My other problem is having a computer right there whenever I’m trying to do homework – it can be so distracting! Grr.

In other news, I am really liking my job. A lot. And it looks like it’s about to get a lot more interesting… but that’s all I can say for now.

I guess this completes my first normal weekly cycle at CSU. So far, I really like it- especially leaving behind the nusciences of high school. I feel pretty relaxed, and that’s after working a full schedule and having all of my classes. Obviously now I need to fit in the serious study habits, since it’ll get harder from here. I still struggle with getting distracted from studying, especially in the dorm with so many interesting people. My computer is also a large source of distraction. I kicked myself out to the library around 8 tonight, and didn’t get back until 11:30. I probably could have cut that time in half had I been more focused.

I’m also still pndering and praying about how God wants to use me to His glory. That’s my main goal- this stage of college exists in my mind merely as a platform for God to show me where I can work for Him. Unfortunately, keeping my mind open to this can be hard, since college is also the place that the world says you need to go to be successful – an assumption that I totally don’t give a crap. I don’t care about my wealth, stability, success, or I guess even happiness, which is what most people come here to gain. If I’m not careful, I might lose my desire to glorify Him and start desiring these pointless ends instead.

Living in the dorms hasn’t exactly been a shock for me, but it still is surprising to see everything that goes on- lots of partying, alcohol, sex… I’m never one to condemn, but I see so much of it going on at the same time. It just makes me sad, I guess. So much goes on without attention paid to the consequences later, so it seems almost risk-free. A dangerous deception.
I am definitely thankful that I view this from an outside point of view, rather than feel tempted to be a part of it – I hope that it continues to be that way. God has definitely worked to protect me from the start, because so far this seems nothing like my freshman year of high school (maybe skipping my freshman year of college was the best thing I ever did!)

OK, I’d keep talking, but it’s past midnight. I have class at 8. DANG. Here goes my first Hell Monday (all 5 classes, work till midnight)


Life here is good. Lots of fun. I don’t spend too much time in front of this stupid thing (the computer) for too long any more.

Went to a Wendy Woo show tonight at Avogadro’s Number… It was good, but totally packed, so there was no room for dancing. I danced to one song anyways, then felt awkward and sat back down. When she finished up her set, though, some venue manager convinced the band to stick around for a while and play another set after half the audience went home. So they did- and cleared out half the floor for dancing. Yay! So the die-hard fans stuck around, and she took requests and stuff. Nice, intimate setting- fun.

Not much else worth reporting, except that some of the “you-have-to-drink-to-have-fun” crowd has emerged, and it makes me sad more than anything. But I’m having fun anyways, and there are lots of down-to-earth people on my floor, so I don’t feel like I’m surrounded by drunken idiots. (We’ve also had to play host to a few sexiles.)
Tomorrow I go to church and go mountain biking with a guy on my floor, and then I do tons of homework and laundry. The class I added – BG200, Business Communication – turns out to have a ton of work associated with it. Blar.


I’m making more connections in Fort Collins… another few days and it will actually feel like home. I run into people that I actually know on the street or on campus. It’s cool- though I still miss my Arizona haunts- the trunk of Derek’s Montero, the corner of Gold Bar that gets perfect air conditioning, the sound of Cory singing alternate harmonies to Emery. But I’m getting along great with the people on my floor, and I like my classes.

(Oh, by the way, I’m high on caffeine right now, which has known side effects of optimism while blogging.)

I dropped BG100, due to it being completely boring. I just added BG200 in its place… It’s Business Communication Concepts or something like that. Basically I learn how to write memos and reports. Blar…
But I’d rather take it now than later. I like my other classes. This one is also MWF, so I have 5 classes monday & wednesday, and 4 on friday. (Keep in mind that I also work monday nights 8-12…. I shall hate mondays with a passion!)

I checked out another cool coffee shop in FoCo today… This one’s called “The Alley Cat”. They’re right by campus, in an alley one floor above a hookah bar. It’s a slightly larger place…. but very cozy. I went there on Improv night, and they also do open mic’. I hear that it’s hard to study there, though, because you’ll run into so many interesting people. Someone on my floor works there, too. I don’t think I’ll go there for study, but definitely to hang out- it’s a lot closer than The Bean Cycle.

Um. That’s it for now. I’m gonna enjoy waking up and getting to Rockwell Hall at either 7:30 (for work) or 8 (for class) every morning except tuesday…. 😛 Blar.

Zeke’s got class.

I had my first round of class yesterday… I liked most of it!

I start out the day with BD210, which is kind of an intro to information systems…  We’ll spend most of our time working with Visual Basic .NET, which means that I’ll get past wussy half-languages (finally). The professor for this class is the CIS chair, so he really knows his stuff.

After that I have BI102- Insects, Science and Society. My biggest class- maybe 400 people? But the prof here is awesome, too- really funny. And we have a project grade that can be completed by visiting the Butterfly Pavilion or a ton of different things (including the stereotypical first grade “collect-ten-bugs-and-bring-them-to-teacher” assignment). The class is definitely geared towards non-science people, which means that it’s geared towards me.

After BI102 I have 2 hours for lunch, followed by L300S- Spanish Reading & Writing for Communication. This class seems to be at- or maybe slightly under- the level of the class I took with Zinke last year. But the general idea is the same- become a grammar nazi. Which is exactly what I need, since it’s the thing I suck the most at. (See last sentence? It ended in a preposition. Baaaaad zeke.)

Next is EC204 (Macroeconomics) in the same building. What can I say? It’s econ. We’ll see if I suck at macro nearly as much as I suck at micro. (I’m guessing that I don’t.) Also a big class.

I also took BG100, which is intro to business, but I dropped it already- soooooo easy. It’s a required class, but luckily I have 34 credits already, which is enough to waive that requirement.

It also turns out that I have my 8pm-Midnight shift at work on MONDAY, not Sunday. So I did that last night too- that place gets pretty desolate. But I’m not complaining- it’s way better than Taco Del Mar.

Today I faced the reality that I once again have homework- Summer is officially over. Blar. I’m already realizing that I get distracted studying in my room- just like at home- so I’ll probably being frequenting The Bean Cycle pretty soon. I have a lot of Spanish and Econ reading to do.

And Facebook has blogs now! w00t! My blog automatically reposts there, so Facebook me and read it there!

Getting better all the time…

So I don’t think I’m bored any more… (That was fast.)

Got to know a lot of people in the dorm today. Everyone on my floor is really nice, which seems to be unique from the other floors. So I’m definitely lucky. Getting along, getting settled, getting ready for class on monday (erp.) I’m worried about Spanish 300, but considering how I had Zinke last year, I feel like I’m ready for anything. The textbook doesn’t look that bad- and I definitely need to get more grammar drilled into my head. Last year I had Spanish 2nd hour, and it really hurt me because I just don’t care about my grammar problems at 8:30am. This year it’s after lunch, so I’ll be focused (I hope). I really owe Clancy and Zinke a lot, methinks.

Church again tomorrow… Hopefully I can get some people to go with me. Nickel Creek (a great folk band that my Arizona friends are into) is playing in Old Town tomorrow at noon, so I might go to that.

I’m running openSUSE right now, and am really liking how non-bloated it is compared to Windows XP. I know I’ll have to use Windoze to do some stuff, but I want to experiment and see how much I can get by in linux- it’s so streamlined! I couple of bugs right now (like how my computer won’t sleep -.-) but that will get ironed out. I also get better performance on CSU’s network with it- they make Windows users install Antivirus, Spyware removal, AND a program to make sure you have the first two, and of course they ALL hog ram. Luckily linux users don’t need to worry about any of the above.

So yeah. I’m having fun now, got out of my depressed “I-don’t-feel-like-leaving-my-room” bubble.

First Impressions

So I’m pretty much moved in… The room’s set up, the drums are running, and it doesn’t look like a sea of boxes any more. We actually have a good bit of floorspace going for us.

So since all of the freshmen have moved in (I’m technically not a freshman, but whatever…. “first-year student”) they’ve been doing lots of orientation activities. I’ve gotten to know some of the guys on my floor, and they all seem pretty nice and cool. Overall, though, It’s really hard going around a crowd of thousands of people without really knowing one of them. I’m glad that everyone on my floor is outgoing, but a lot of these kids are from Colorado- so they already have their friends here. I’m bad at being outgoing, so it’s awkward. I’ve felt this before- moving to Arizona. Or Fort Collins for 8th grade. It’s uncomfortable, and I know that it’ll pass, but it’s frustrating for the time being. I miss the guys in Arizona. I don’t like being bored.

Got my books today…. a couple of them are tiny paperbacks that cost over $100 each. Grr. But it’s coming out of my financial aid, so it won’t hurt me (much.)

Also found out my work schedule:

  • Sunday 8pm-midnight (BLARRRR… including this coming one, right before my first day of class!)
  • Tuesday Noon-4pm
  • Thursday 7:30am-1pm (I can do 7:30. I think…)
  • Friday 2pm-4pm

Overall, not a bad schedule at all. I only close once, and I think that Sunday isn’t a bad night to do it- tests would be at the end of the week, right? I also have saturdays completely off. This is the same schedule every week, too, which will be a welcome change from the ever-changing Taco Del Mar shifts.

So I’m a little bored, still. Oh, well.

‘da dorm

I’ve moved in!

(…or at least I’ve started to….. what am I gonna do with all this crap?!)

The room’s small, as expected. But I have a great view of the courtyard. I’ll post thoughts and photos later. Right now I need to unpack some more and get situated. I’ve also managed to blow out the power…. I was only running my stereo, iPod, laptop, and the fridge. Dang.
My posters are up. It already feels like home!

2 days.

I move into the dorms in 37 hours. (not that I wasn’t totally excited or anything…)

My bike’s already locked up on campus. I’m feeling paranoid- the CSU bike locks suck. And it’s going to be locked up to one 24/7, except when I’m actually riding it. To make matters worse, I got a good new Kryptonite lock, but it’s smaller than my old one- meaning that I have less space to fit my bike frame, the post, and my front wheel through. Grr. I don’t want my baby being stolen- but I guess I just need to adjust my mindset.

My new job is nice – since I have such an open class schedule, I should get some good shifts. And the schedule stays the same every week- meaning no horrible unpredictabiliy like my days at Taco Del Mar.

Right now I’m fiddling with my computer setup – trying to make kubuntu run well, but it doesn’t like my laptop screen. We’ll see. I’m putting XP Pro on it in a week, so maybe I should wait. blar.

Church! Coffee!

So today I checked out the church that I mentioned before. (Mountain View Community Church)
I really like it. I found it online, and you can’t usually tell much about a church on the web, except for their doctrinal statements and service times. But they had an MP3 or two of sermons posted online, and I gave them a listen. I liked what I heard, so I gave it a try this morning.

The church is fairly young; it’s only been around since 1993. They’re into church planting, rather than growing into a gigantic church themselves, so it’s a fairly small group. I went in to the earlier service, so naturally there were less people, and even less my age (not to say that it was all old people…. I’d say that the average age in there was probably somewhere around 30 or even late 20s.) There were probably only 70 or so people in there (which is VERY small compared to my old church, which sometimes broke 1,000 people in a service (and they had three services!).
The building itself is a small church built by German immigrants in 1904. The sanctuary is very small on the floorspace, but has a balcony on the second level for more seating. The building’s definitely been renovated on the inside, so it’s pretty modern, but they’ve kept the old pews and stained glass (which is on the east side, meaning that it shines directly in as the main source of light on Sunday morning!)

The two main pastors are both fairly young… The guy speaking today started his freshman year at CSU 15 years ago.

They’ve been going through the book of Romans verse-for-verse, and have been spending the last few weeks on Romans 9. What a coincidence…. that’s exactly what I’ve been focusing on for a while now.
They’re very into a literal interpretation of the bible and quote Scripture a lot. No “this is kind of our ‘inspiring verse’ for the day, and we’re going to talk about a lot of stuff that kind of has to do with that verse” crap going on. The pastor dropped more scriptures than I can remember.

The church uses the NASB translation, too, which is known for being a rather accurate literal translation (I myself use the English Standard Version- same idea, but a little bit newer and it reproduces a lot of ancient grammar structures, especially in the old testament).

Overall, I have a really good feeling about this church. I have yet to spend time with the people there, so I still don’t have the full picture of the place, so I’m not making a final decision that this is my new church. That relies on being around it a little bit more.

In slightly less holy matters, I also found a new coffee shop- I think. (I go about choosing my coffeeshop haunt with almost as much care as choosing a new church.) It’s called “The Bean Cycle” – it’s in Old Town Fort Collins, which means that it’s in an older building… Has a beautiful old tin ceiling with all kinds of cool designs.
All of their coffee is 100% Organic and Fair Trade, so my inner hippie is happy. My drink (Tall, hot soy vanilla latté) was well made… Cozy interior (more spacious than gold bar) and a little non-profit bookstore in back run by volunteers (full of used books on weird hippie crap like metaphysics and creating your own reality and stuff.) A couple of people with foreign accents came in and sat down.

Oh, and they have WiFi.

Both places (MVCC and The Bean Cycle) are within about a 10-minute bike ride of my dorm.

Praise God for how he has a plan laid out for me (both in this immediate future, and for a long time from now) even while I’m uncomfortable knowing what will happen tomorrow!