Boredom sucks (but it’s over.)

Today was the worst of the “I’m soooooo bored, I showed up on campus today” blues. Hitting F5 on Engadget and Slashdot got boring.

But I accomplished what I came here early to do- I got a job today! I’m working in the Computer Lab at the College of Business – it doesn’t sound too glamorous (and I shouldn’t expect much) but it has a LOT of opportunities for people who want to expand their skills. And it pertains to my major. So I’m happy – especially since my money was starting to run kinda low… :-/

So I start today… like pretty much right now. So I won’t be totally bored, counting down the 6 days I have left before I move into the dorms.

No IE. Do I care? Not really.

I just looked at my site in Internet Explorer for the first time in several weeks (I’m on a library kiosk and have no other choice.)

It doesn’t display the entire sidebar and some entire posts in IE.

I don’t care, either. IE isn’t functional, and my site displays fine in Firefox and Opera, which are much more standards-compliant.

For the 32.7% of you still viewing this site in the most unsecure browser ever, get something else. You’ll do yourself a favor, and you’ll be able to view my blog.

(I’ll fix it for IE eventually. But only when I feel like it.)

New contact information

So in the spirit of moving everything, here is the latest installment:

I changed my cell phone to a Fort Collins number. No more 480 area code (I liked 480! 🙁 ).

I also have a new address (…in a week, when I move into the dorm).

Wanna know my new digits? Too bad.
OK, I just don’t want to put it out on the interwebs. I don’t trust freakish stalkers. So e-mail me for the new info. If you don’t even know my e-mail address, I probably don’t want you knowing my physical one.

(by the way, I’m on Verizon, so if you are, too, you can talk to me for free. Or text me.)

Better move my blog, too.

I figured with all of that moving jazz that I’m up to, I should move my blog!

I haven’t touched the old since last summer, and don’t really like how static it is. I also killed the database, and didn’t feel like restoring Coppermine (I think it’s kinda clunky), so I put a new photo gallery script in, and integrated it with WordPress. Maybe that way more people will look at it.

So, to summarize:

  • My blog is now at, so don’t go to anymore, unless you like my witty redirect message.
  • I have a photo gallery availiable in the right-hand sidebar. You can also find it at
  • I’m that bored. Can I move into the dorms already?

Leaving Arizona

So I’m… home.

Kind of.

Last night was a really weird night to sleep in my bed for the last time. My room was completely bare- all of the posters down, half of my stuff sitting in the dumpster outside. I lay there thinking about how long I had been there, but also about how many times I had moved (this marks number 15). I thought about how long I’ve been under my Dad’s wing, and how this time I was going out on my own… Haven’t done that before. I’ve become very independent and mobile, thanks to having two houses and friends all over the place, so leaving is never that big of a deal… Just another plane to get on.

I don’t actually feel like I’m suddenly going off into the world to make decisions for myself or anything… I think I’ve been doing that for at least a little while already. But it’s definitely one of those milestones that makes you look back on what you’ve been through, and be thankful for the people who have led you that far.

So this morning I woke up kinda early, had some parting words with Dad, and then a bunch of folks from AG came over- I’m so thankful for these guys. I’m very lucky to have such a strong group of friends backing me up…. I know that you guys aren’t done yet, even though I’m kinda far away now.

Had a tearful goodbye at the airport with the family… then I went down to Security, and realized right before my stuff went through the X-Ray that I had Shylo’s keys. So I had to call them, make them come back, and do the whole thing over again 😛

The last week has been really weird, saying goodbye to so many friends and family. But Southwest flies between Denver and Phoenix for like….sixty bucks… and I only have classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so if I skip one day of class, I can come down for a four-day weekend!

Getting off the plane was the turning point, though. The weird, bad-gut feeling of leaving so many people that you love so much turned into the feelings of excitement for what is to come. I can’t wait to move into my dorm and start classes… I have no idea of what it’ll be like.

For now, I’m staying at mom’s for 10 days or so- it makes it feel a little bit less weird, because after all, I’m just “back at home” for the moment. All I have scheduled out for that time is looking for a job.

I’ve always said that I prefer Colorado to Arizona, but I never knew that leaving Arizona would feel so weird. I still don’t really believe that I don’t live there any more… That I’m not going to go to bed tomorrow night in Tempe… That I’m not going to make five million more QuikTrip runs for SoBe…

Very strange.


I’m taking a required alcohol education online course for CSU. It’s freaking torture. THERE’S NO FAST-FORWARD BUTTON!!!

And I think maybe a maximum of 10% of what I’m listening to is new information. Soooo annoying. But it’s kinda funny, still.

I’m going on some kind of a “mission” tomorrow night with the senior guys from AG. I have no idea what it entails- Derek is being really secretive about it. I’m guessing that it has something to do with Mexico or clubbing- though I already know I’m wrong. We’ll see.

I did like…. 6 loads of laundry today. And I’m not done. It’s step one in packing.

I found the COOLEST parody of the Mac/PC tv ads. Freaking hilarious, but probably not safe for work.