MySpace is an evil soul-sucker. Don’t believe me? Read this.
What News Corp doesn’t want you to know about MySpace: Condensed edition – Valleywag
The extended edition is coming out later tonight.
MySpace is an evil soul-sucker. Don’t believe me? Read this.
What News Corp doesn’t want you to know about MySpace: Condensed edition – Valleywag
The extended edition is coming out later tonight.
I finally took some pics of my dorm for all my out-of-state brethren to ooh and aah over:
So I looked at my schedule (yeesh! I have tests coming up!) and it looks like I might be coming down from the 22nd to the 24th of this month- as long as I can get someone to cover a shift at work. I miss Arizona, and it’s time for me to hang out down there again. So be warned, don’t leave on some huge adventure that weekend, or you’ll miss me.
Tonight I work the dreaded 8pm – Midnight shift at work. Blar.
Weekend’s been chill. A lot of people leave on the weekends… I sleep a lot. I woke up around 3 PM today.
We played CU today in the Rocky Mountain Showdown- we won, 14-10. w00t. What I find hilarious is that our rival is the Buffs- just like MHS’s biggest rival. So I will get 8 full years of anti-Buff wonderfulness.
I have The Mars Volta’s new album, Amputechture. It’s cool on the first listen-through… Omar, the guitarist, co-produced it, and he mixed Jon Theodore, the drummer, WAAAY down. And he’s about half the reason I like TMV. And now he’s left the band, as it turns out… 🙁
That said, it’s still a really good album.
I’m bored on the weekends. I need to come down to Arizona already. Time to look at the calendar tomorrow… :-/ I miss Arizona.
I totally shot all chances of productivity today by installing Windows Vista RC1 on my E1405… It took me a few tries to get it right (as in I installed Vista twice and XP Pro once today…) but it dual-boots XP and Vista now…
It’s good. I didn’t think I’d say this, but Vista works really, really well. None of the stability problems from previous betas… Almost no software compatibility issues… Heck, it even eats up less RAM than my XP Pro installation! No clue how that works. And Aero is awesome….
…Though Vista is most definitely a total ripoff of Mac OS X. Big surprise there…
Unfortunately it only works partially with CSU’s network security software. I won’t be able to use wireless here. And to do the wired connection, I have to authenticate my connection through XP first.
Needless to say, my time management skills were shot for the day.
I was doing laundry today, and ran into my other SD card for my camera…. I popped it in, and there were a bunch of pictures of my AG friends in Arizona! It makes me miss all of the good times we’ve had.
I also have some (very few) pictures from CSU up… they’re all of the cool people on my floor in Corbett C3. I promise to take more later.
All is quiet here on the Corbett C3 front, as everyone’s taken off for the weekend. SO…. I am immersing myself in video games for what feels like the first time in 5 years or so (I got too busy when high school hit, so I plan on making up for lost time.)
I ran into this really cool video today… I hate biology because it’s so darned hard to understand, and I’ve always been more partial to Physics because I can always see its direct effects. But this video is really awesome… I can’t remember most of the stuff that I see, but I recognize a lot of proteins and even a golgi apparatus. I suggest watching the high-res version if you can spare the bandwidth (…which I can, with my crazy university bandwidth at home).
And now I shall clean my room. And by clean my room I mean play Final Fantasy VIII until someone else shows up on my floor.