Your Christian Voice in America: Abortion, Gays, Nothing Else.

President-elect of Christian Coalition resigns – Associated Press

The Rev. Joel Hunter, of Longwood’s Northland, A Church Distributed, said Wednesday that the national group would not let him expand the organization’s agenda beyond opposing abortion and gay marriage.

Hunter, who was scheduled to take over the socially conservative political group Jan. 1, said he had hoped to focus on issues such as poverty and the environment.

“They pretty much said, ‘These issues are fine, but they’re not our issues, that’s not our base,'” Hunter said.

Because Jesus had nothing to say about poverty.

This is coming from the Christian Coalition of America, probably the largest conservative grassroots organization in America. Yes, it was founded Pat Robertson, the guy who calls for covert U.S. assassinations in his spare time. But more importantly, it is the largest lobbying group recognized by politicians as a “Christian” group. Many politicians are practicing Christians, many are not, and when they (or anyone in our country, for that matter) want to know what Christians stand for, this is one of the largest beacons that supposedly represents Christ. I’ve given their list of values a quick glance, and I’ll say that maybe 30% of it is stuff directly supporting religious freedoms or “compassionate” action. The rest is all political, partisan filth that has very little to do with representing Christ or Christians in politics.

Poverty matters to Jesus, big-time. I think we are finally starting to see some big action in this. Missionaries have always been active in this realm, but I think that the majority of us who stay at home are starting to care about it, too. It certainly is one of Jesus’ biggest talking points.

What I want to know is why some of the loudest “Christian” voices in America are so quiet about the stuff that Jesus was very loud about.

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