The woman who fears the LORD (Proverbs 31:10-31, ESV)

10An excellent wife who can find?
   She is far more precious than jewels.
11The heart of her husband trusts in her,
   and he will have no lack of gain.
12She does him good, and not harm,
   all the days of her life.
13She seeks wool and flax,
   and works with willing hands.
14She is like the ships of the merchant;
   she brings her food from afar.
15She rises while it is yet night
   and provides food for her household
   and portions for her maidens.
16She considers a field and buys it;
   with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.
17She dresses herself[b] with strength
   and makes her arms strong.
18She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.
   Her lamp does not go out at night.
19She puts her hands to the distaff,
   and her hands hold the spindle.
20She opens her hand to the poor
   and reaches out her hands to the needy.
21She is not afraid of snow for her household,
   for all her household are clothed in scarlet.[c]
22She makes bed coverings for herself;
   her clothing is fine linen and purple.
23Her husband is known in the gates
   when he sits among the elders of the land.
24She makes linen garments and sells them;
   she delivers sashes to the merchant.
25Strength and dignity are her clothing,
   and she laughs at the time to come.
26She opens her mouth with wisdom,
   and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
27She looks well to the ways of her household
   and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28Her children rise up and call her blessed;
   her husband also, and he praises her:
29“Many women have done excellently,
   but you surpass them all.”
30Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
31Give her of the fruit of her hands,
   and let her works praise her in the gates.

It’s been really nice spending time here with some really great friends. I really miss what I have with these guys- the longest I’ve known anyone in Colorado is like… 5 months.
I know that I have everything going for me in Colorado, but just spending
a few days with some really good friends is enough to make
me want to move back.

DSLR anyone?

So I have a few friends who are either studying photography, or are just serious hobbyists. (A couple of my friends have awesome galleries of their work: Mike and Alan)
I don’t have the time to dedicate a ton of time to photography, but I really enjoy it when I have the time for it. My current camera is really easy to use, and works great for casual outdoor shots. But it starts to really suck when I want to do anything in awkward or low lighting. What I’m looking for is some more general control in my photos… And beyond messing with exposure settings, I can’t do much of that.

So I’m thinking about saving up for a DSLR camera… The things are really expensive, starting around $400 for anything respectable 😛
I’m not sure if I’m that into photography, although I hear that they come cheaper used.

Any suggestions for good cameras that offer a lot of manual control? It doesn’t have to be a DSLR, but I’m looking for more than a regular consumer point-and-shoot model.


So I now get the majority of my music online, since it’s a better deal overall when compared to the price of a physical CD. There are a lot of places out there to get your music legally, but most of them have to tie down their tracks with loads of DRM in order to get contracts with the “Big Four” record labels that control 80% of the U.S. music market: Warner Music Group, EMI, Sony BMG, and Universal Music Group. Basically, these guys got paranoid with the first peer-to-peer filesharing networks, like Napster, and believe that the only way to sell music online is to treat their customers like criminals by policing the usage of files that they already purchased.

The truth is, this DRM does nothing to stop people who are pirating music, and makes life a lot harder from the people who do legally acquire their music. Depending on the store, you are limited in how many times you can transfer your songs, what devices or programs they will play on, and how you can back the files up. And then add the Digital Milennium Copyright Act, which makes it illegal to circumvent such inconveniences on the tracks you already own, and DRM-infected tracks just become one big nusience.

The other problem is that the major music labels are doing a very bad job at supporting their artists. Courtney Love has a very interesting insider account of how these companies, who are nothing without their musicians, take the money and run. And the picture is getting even worse: the RIAA is lobbying to reduce the royalties that music labels are legally obligated to pay their artists.
These labels were already pretty bad when people were just buying CDs. But now that everything is moving online, and they are treating their customers like criminals with DRM while they themselves are stealing profits from their artists, it’s a combination I’m not willing to support.

Enter eMusic:

eMusic is the largest online retailer of independent music and the second largest online retailer overall, with over 1.4 million tracks (at #1, iTunes has over 3 million). They are not signed with any of the four large music labels because they don’t put any DRM on their tracks – instead, everything is a high-quality file (192kbps VBR MP3) that plays on any device or music program. They are subscription based, giving you a fixed number of downloads per month. Other subscription-based services require you to renew your tracks, and once you stop paying, you lose all of your music.
eMusic’s cheapest plan gives you 30 tracks a month for $9.99 – on iTunes, this much buys you one DRM-infected album.

So this isn’t without that major hangup- the major labels aren’t signed on, so there is a lot of stuff that you can’t get here. Pop and classic rock fans need not apply. But what many would view as a weakness, I am thoroughly enjoying: I get a taste of a bunch of stuff I haven’t heard before. And if you are at all into Jazz or Classical, their collection is humongous – and with many big names and rare recordings: look at their Miles Davis or John Coltrane collection. Like reggae? Check out their pile of Sly & Robbie. And there’s lots of current “indie” music to like, as well: Barenaked Ladies, Alkaline Trio, and Sufjan Stevens come to mind.

Mainly, though, I feel like I’m voting with my dollars to show that there is a demand for music that supports its artists and gives customers power to do what they want with their purchases. I think that the labels are starting to see that DRM-free is the way to go, and are experimenting with the idea of unchaining their music. Once they do so, I’ll be a glad buyer.

So if you want to stick it to The Man, support some artists, and expand your collection on the cheap, give eMusic a try. If you drop me a comment, I can e-mail you a link to a trial with 25 free songs.

Grades in

So overall, my grades came out where I expected them to – I’m pretty happy with how I did. I have some room for improvement, but overall I had a pretty strong semester. I wish I had done better with Spanish, but like I’ve said before, I think I just need to study abroad for a few months and get the little grammatical rules drilled into my brain.

I did have one pleasant surprise, though. I thought that BD210, my class, was going to be a B+ at 88%. Sure, that’s a pretty darned good grade already, but I was hoping for an “A” because it is, after all, my major, and I’d like to do well in CIS if I do well in anything.
But I checked my official grades today, and I got an A-! w00t!

If I can keep my momentum going, go to a few more classes next semester, and not let my evil classes (stats, business law) get me down, I should continue to do well.



So one of the nice things about my job at CSU is that I have the option to work over all the breaks. For this break, I’m not taking any time off- even though I’m in Arizona. Things are set up well enough that I can telecommute for my entire time here.

Which means that I will be spending 20 hours a week at Gold Bar. And after all, you know how much I hate Gold Bar. I spent 5 or 6 hours there today, and ran into a fair amount of old friends. It was nice seeing the old faces… I have some good friends at CSU now, but all of my tight base that really cares for me deeply still lives here. So it’s nice being somewhere where people share a concern for you again.
That said, I’m wondering if I should have taken a reduction in my hours- I’m not sure if I want to be there for ten four-hour shifts. I might get sick of the place 😛

But I like Gold Bar. It’s cozy. So if any of you Arizona peeps want to catch up, drop me a line, IM, or e-mail, and we can make it happen.


(…hey, it’s not Blar. Even though it’s already been done.)

I go to Arizona tomorrow. Er, today.

My sleep schedule has been shot all week. It’s really weird, like something keeps me from sleeping before 2 AM!
And I miss most, if not all, of the morning because of it. Byaaah.

Christmas came early, at least from the Colorado fam, and the bounty included Season 1 of Star Trek: The Next Generation. With all of their corny quirks and overacting to boot. 19 hours of TNG for my geeky pleasure.
Matter of fact, forget this blog. I’m gonna go watch another episode.
(Maybe that’s why I’m getting to bed at 2 AM….)


I missed a final exam this morning. I looked under the wrong column on the finals schedule, and thought that it was at 11:20 a.m.
It was at 9:00.

So I spent an hour or so running around campus, making phone calls and sending e-mails begging my prof and TA to let me take it later, all the while thinking that I’ll get a “D” in the class for missing it. Luckily, the prof is really cool and had no problems letting me take the final after my entomology exam.

So I’m done! Easy as that. w00t for a month off of school!

I still don’t know my grades. Blar for nongradeknowification.

(if you can’t tell, I am in a very random, “I don’t give a crap about anything right now, and don’t have to for an entire month” mode.)

My roommate moved out early this week, so I’ve had the whole room to myself. It’s nice for finals week, but I think I wouldn’t want to do it for a long time.