
So it’s time to either snag a prime dorm on campus (current residents have priority) or go for an apartment. Most people just run to the apartments after freshman year, since they’re cheaper. I added it up… Room and board here is $770 a month. If you’re just looking at the room charge, it’s almost $400, which is close to normal rent around here… But $375 a month for food? I really don’t think I eat that much.

Money isn’t the biggest issue, for the most part. (Support candidates who support education!) But there are still ups and downs to both sides:

Apartment Benefits

  • (Somewhat) more responsible roommates / neighbors, as the worst have moved on to either fraternities or the university-magnet apartments. Since last week’s events, this is a big plus for me.
  • No evil network administrators tyin’ my torrents down!
  • Whatever I want to eat (I am getting seriously bored of Corbett cuisine.)
  • I can move in for the summer. For me, this is pretty important, since I would otherwise live at my mom’s for the summer. Mom’s is great, but it is out of the way. I like being in the middle of town.

Dorm Benefits

  • Literally 5 minutes from class or work
  • Consolidated bill- no utilities or risk of bad budgeting
  • Never have to cook
  • A lot more social, which is good since I still haven’t planted the deepest roots in Colorado yet.

Right now I’m on the fence, leaning towards apartments. But who knows?

Suggestions, people. I’d love ’em.

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