-er, never mind.

I left the room a mess today, and spent forever at work. When I got back, I found that someone has moved into my room… so I guess I get a roommate! It’s cool, I was going to turn into a hermit otherwise.

I can’t find my phone. It’s on vibrate. It’s either within 10 feet of me somewhere in my room, in the computer lab, or left on a tray in the cafeteria. I’m not too worried about it, but for the next couple of days, it’d be best if you e-mail or IM me if you need to get a hold of me.

No roomie?

So my assigned new roommate canceled, he won’t be moving in. I might get the room to myself this semester. We’ll see.

If I do, I think I’m gonna make a bonfire out of my clothes and never wear them again.

So I moved back into the dorm… It’s deserted still. But I have work and errands and stuff. Meh.

Say “hello” to iPhone


This thing is beautiful. And revolutionary, too:

  1. The long-rumored widescreen iPod (awesome for movies) with CoverFlow
  2. A super-optimized, ultra-friendly cell phone (other smartphones don’t even come close)
  3. Full-featured web-browser (not a dumbed-down mobile version)

I watched the Macworld keynote today, and Steve Jobs went on about this thing for about an hour and a half- there is that much cool stuff in there. I don’t want one for myself for several reasons (8GB instead of my current 80, Cingular instead of my Verizon, and the fact that I almost never talk on the phone). But it’s an incredible example of Apple’s superb designs in both software and hardware.


Tomorrow is the annual Macworld conference, which is always shrouded with tons of fanboy hype and nonstop rumors… But it’s usually anybody’s guess as to what is unveiled until Steve Jobs hits the stage, gives a long presentation, and then at the end smacks his forehead and says, “Oh, I forgot. There is one more thing…”

Most people talk of an Apple phone or an “iTV” portable media center – things which I couldn’t care less about. But I figure I’ll make my Macworld prediction now so that if I’m right, I can gloat 28 hours from now.

Apple is going to announce that OS X “Leopard” will officially be compatible with any x86 or x64 PC. For ages, you could only run Mac OS on a Mac (for a little while there were others, but Steve pulled the plug). I think that while there is virtually no hard evidence to support my theory, now would be the perfect time to do such a thing. Windows Vista will be out to consumers later this month, bearing a hefty $400 pricetag for the best version. Meanwhile, Apple has spent the past 5 years becoming the darling of consumer electronics, and it now has an excellent overall reputation, thanks to iPod + iTunes. Macs far less frowned upon, far less incompatible, and the iPod already has created a “halo effect” that entices those who have experienced the ease of Apple’s music solutions to switch their computer hardware to Apple, too.

In the next year, people are going to be weighing the need to spend hundreds upgrading to Windows Vista. I’ve used it extensively at work, and yes, it is very good, but it offers very few new features to the average user. OS X runs for about $130, and if Jobs & Co. were to release OS X to all PCs, they would gain considerable market share by stealing would-be Windows upgraders.

Yes, I have an ulterior motive for this post: really, I just want this for myself. My Dell E1405 would be a perfect OS X machine: the macBook is slightly underpowered and has its performance quirks, and the macBook pro is simply beyond my budget. There are ways to put OS X on a PC, but you have to violate the DMCA to do it, and there are known hardware incompatibilities with my hardware.
So it most likely will not happen, but just to play it safe and be able to brag about it tomorrow, that is my fanboy prediction.

The latest manufacturer of WMDs

Guess what? If the Bush administration has its way, we will be manufacturing our first nuclear warhead in twenty years [NYTimes.com].

Bush on developing WMDs:

See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don’t attack each other. Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction. [Source – whitehouse.gov]

Another important expert opinion:

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. [Source – Jesus]

We cannot simultaneously attack other nations for existent or hypothetically existent weapons of mass destruction when we continue to create the same thing. Another nuclear arms race, cold war, or anything similar has nothing at all to offer us in terms of security. Also, this program is about $100 billion- unacceptable considering our current budget deficit.

Missed the plane…

That was the longest frickin’ checkin line I have ever seen. I checked in 5 minutes after my plane took off- so I’m on the next one, six hours later! Whee for six hours in Phoenix Sky Harbor! [/sarcasm]

Luckily this airport has free wi-fi…. Denver International may be like, the best airport ever, but they charge for their intarwebs. Shame on them.

So I’m just sitting here watching DVD’s… Surfing… Eating multiple meals at elevated prices… blar.

I hate days where you do nothing but travel.

New Year’s Meme

Ganked from Alan. First sentence from each month of posts on this blog, with commentary:

  1. January: “So the Kimock shows were totally amazing.” I got to see Steve Kimock Band four nights in a row in San Francisco. I haven’t seen them since- blar. They are all busy with their own bands. Hopefully they’ll get back together this summer or something.
  2. February: “Hola.” (not too much to comment on there…) I had just taken my first practice AP in Spanish and got a 4- which is how I did on the actual exam. Boy, did that class help me. I am basically taking the same spanish classes this year at CSU, and so far, I learned more with Zinke.
  3. March: “Got accepted to Colorado State today!” …er, yeah. w00t for CSU! My top choice was UC Santa Cruz, but I would accumulate $100,000 in debt if I went there for four years. And, as one wise teacher once told me, I would probably end up ditching class every day at UCSC, in favor of the beach and illegal substances. Also worth noting: last known haircut for me was 3/2/2006.
  4. April: “Mom came to town!” She came to Phoenix for a couple of days. We went to Sedona. ’twas fun.
  5. May: “AP Spanish done.” ’nuff said. The last month of school was a pain. But oh so much fun.
  6. June: “Wow… Been a long time since I’ve posted here.” I had the best summer ever. And no time to waste online talking about it.
  7. July: “That was fun.” (that was the entire post.) I went on a 4,444.4 mile roadtrip with my best friends. It was a blast. 12 days of the American west. More inside jokes I can think of. I lost the game.
  8. August: “I’m taking a required alcohol education online course for CSU. It’s freaking torture. THERE’S NO FAST-FORWARD BUTTON!!!” (OK, three sentences, but necessary for comedic effect.) Since taking AlcoholEDU, I have learned that nobody learned anything from it.
  9. September: “All is quiet here on the Corbett C3 front, as everyone’s taken off for the weekend.” This doesn’t bother me any more. Less people = faster internet.
  10. October: “So I’ve pretty much decided that my current Spanish class (LCC300S, Reading & Writing for Communication) is basically an easier version of last year’s Spanish 9-10 class with Loca Zinke.” Wow, I confirmed myself from the future!
  11. November: “If the Department of Homeland Security has its way, profiling and stereotyping will be used against you whenever you try to enter or leave the country.” Still true. Did I mention that the immigration process is very easy in Canada?
  12. December: “So, the coffee on CSU campus has always sucked.” Except in Rockwell hall. Being back in Arizona makes me appreciate what I had at Gold Bar. I have a nice new coffeeshop in Fort Collins, but it’s out of the way.

So there you go. Happy 2007.