Say “hello” to iPhone


This thing is beautiful. And revolutionary, too:

  1. The long-rumored widescreen iPod (awesome for movies) with CoverFlow
  2. A super-optimized, ultra-friendly cell phone (other smartphones don’t even come close)
  3. Full-featured web-browser (not a dumbed-down mobile version)

I watched the Macworld keynote today, and Steve Jobs went on about this thing for about an hour and a half- there is that much cool stuff in there. I don’t want one for myself for several reasons (8GB instead of my current 80, Cingular instead of my Verizon, and the fact that I almost never talk on the phone). But it’s an incredible example of Apple’s superb designs in both software and hardware.

One thought on “Say “hello” to iPhone”

  1. or instead of a new fancy IPOD you could get a used bolt on Wipple supercharger for your new 01 ford ranger, increasing horsepower into the 245 range, then when you get the money add an K&N Ram air system, then maybe a chip to increase overall engine output and remove that annoying governor…know thats a good way to spend money!

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