Study Abroad?

I went to the CSU Study Abroad fair today- got me very excited about the possibility of going to Spain sometime.

My thoughts, in completely random order:

  • When should I go? I’m a second-year student taking 100-level and 300-level classes at the same time. I don’t want to go too late when I can’t take anything that applies to my major.
  • I really need to bring my GPA up. If I do well this semester, I’ll be good for most schools, but the most interesting one is more selective and I probably can’t even get into before 2009.
  • Where to go? Barcelona seems the most interesting, except that I’m more interested in mainstream Spain than I am in Catalonia. Granada also seems really cool. Maybe Madrid.
  • How long? People say I should go for a longer amount of time, but that would mean harder housing arrangements while I’m gone, taking a long time away from the band, et cetera.
  • So long to graduating without debt!

So yeah. It’s very exciting to think about- I’ll be meeting with advisors and people in the study abroad department to figure out what fits me best.

Any advice on España? I am interested in any that you may have. 🙂

MacBook Air

MacBook Air

I agree with Engadget’s take on the MacBook Air: “Give us the lovechild of the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro, and it’s all over.”

Cool, good design, not for me (I need audio in, ethernet, optical drive, and more USB ports, so I need a different class of laptop in the first place). Eagerly awaiting the new MacBook / MacBook Pro lines rumored for launch in a few weeks.

Democratic Debates

I watched the Democratic debate in Iowa last night. I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but I actually think it made me like Hillary Clinton more.

I still say that Barack Obama is the best to lead America in 2009. But I support him for his ideals, for his youth that separates him from the “Washington establishment”. But last night, especially in her comments about pursuing Al Qaeda in Pakistan, it became obvious that her experience gives her a much more detailed knowledge of issues that she would face in the Presidency. The only other candidate that comes close is McCain.

That said, I directly disagree with her views on abortion, the death penalty, No Child Left Behind, the PATRIOT acts, the Iraq war, and Same-sex marriages. (This table is the ultimate “candidate cheat sheet”)

So I’m still for Kucinich and Obama (Or maybe Obama/Kucinich on the same ticket) in 2009. But I think I’d feel comfortable with any of the Democratic candidates, which is a big change from my views a week ago.


Yesterday’s caucus had some interesting results:

  • Barack Obama, my personal favorite (aside from Kucinich, who is a long shot) won the Democratic caucus. Obviously I’m ecstatic
  • Hillary Clinton is in third, and trails by over 8%. I think that America is rejecting the status quo, so this is a good thing.
  • Ron Paul somehow managed to beat Giuliani and take 10% of the Republican vote- with little to no mainstream media coverage and a ton of grassroots campaigning.
  • Somehow Mike Huckabee managed to win the Republican caucus. Like the current administration, his campaign betrays true conservatism in favor of economic liberalism, big spending, and a theocratic moral system that punishes all who don’t ascribe to his particular set of values. Worst of all, he does it all in the name of Jesus – I need nothing less than 4 to 8 more years of explaining that no, my beliefs do not support violence, hatred, poverty, or harming others to accomplish religious, political, or cultural goals.

So there you go. Here’s my complete list of “Candidates who don’t scare the @)&! out of me” from both sides. Note that it is not not an endorsement, just people who wouldn’t make me crap my pants if elected. I agree with none of them on all the issues, so please no “______ supports ________, how can you like them?” I just think these candidates are honest and transparent enough that we can actually worry about their publicly disclosed policies, instead of the crazy stuff that everyone else is likely to be hiding until they are elected. Nobody likes a lying goon in office.

Obama, Kucinich, Edwards

McCain, Paul

United responds

I got back to Colorado today. The flight back from Phoenix (on US Airways, née America West crew) went off without a hitch – friendly airline agents at checkin, security (since when do airlines put greeters at security?), and the plane. My flight took off a little late but still arrived on time.

Also, United replied to my complaints about their delays and rude, lying customer service reps:

Thank you for your email. We’re sorry to have given you such a poor impression of our operation.

Mr. Weeks, I am sorry to learn your experience with our customer care agents at the airport. Our employees should provide professional service. But, you report that our customer service staff let you down, which resulted in your disappointment with our service. Your comments are important to us and will allow the appropriate management to provide feedback.

I also understand that you arrived but your baggage did not. I am sorry. This frustrating situation you describe happened despite quality control standards to assure baggage reaches its intended destination. So I’ll forward your good comments to our airport management so they can work to improve baggage procedures.

I hope you will give us an opportunity to renew a positive and valued relationship with you.

Am I satisfied with their response? Partly.  But I have the feeling that my efforts in writing them will only be a drop in the bucket for an organization so apathetic towards its customers. Oh well – I have no vendetta against these guys, but I will still vote with my dollars by not flying with them for a while.