Double Bass

So I bought a double bass drum pedal a year ago, and started seriously practicing my two-foot technique about three months ago. About a month ago I started feeling comfortable enough to use the pedals in performance for short drum fills, so I’ve brought them to three Deliver Me Seven shows since.

This month we’re taking a little break from live gigs to get the album out and to improve our show, which has already paid off for us in both musical growth and rest from the feeling that a show is always only a few days away. It also has helped me sit down with a metronome and try to get my two feet closer in rhythmic accuracy to where my hands are now. It’s not quite there yet, but this has been the first week where I’ve felt confidence that my feet are capable of playing together as a unit for longer than just a couple of beats.

It’ll still be a while before I’d feel comfortable drumming in a metal band, but it’s exciting to know that I can at least pull some stuff off.

Desiring Desire

Galatians 5:16-18, 24-26

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

Psalm 37:4

Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

(all verses ESV)

I’ve been in a weird place recently. Not an overall positive or negative state, but definitely a “something isn’t quite the way it should be” kind of feeling.

Over the past week or so I have taken notice of which really drive me. I could rattle off a list of things that I currently have that give me pleasure, and another list of things that I desire – the things that get me to kick myself in the butt and do what it takes to get them (which is very surprising, and those who have seen how lazy I can be will agree with me!)
The actual things that I thought of are not my concern here – some of them are sinful, and some of them are actually very good things. But what they all have in common is that they are motivated by the desires of my flesh. I do them because the part of me that is of broken, sinful, worldly origins enjoys doing them – even if they aren’t sinful themselves.

It just blows my mind to think of how much I spend chasing after these things that, in and of themselves, are temporary pleasures and vain pursuits. I know that I can only find ultimate satisfaction in God. And here’s where I feel really convicted and kinda stupid: If I can find the greatest of satisfaction from intimacy with God, why am I not desiring it more than anything else and doing nothing but working towards it?

In other words, why do I spend so much time running after what my worldly flesh desires, and so little on what the spirit desires? Romans 6:16-18 refers to believers as “slaves of righteousness,” but I feel that I’m not even fulfilling a slave’s job description! “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

I want to be motivated for intimacy with God like I’m motivated by my own flesh. I want that drive and desire to be so strong that I can’t help but to run towards Him and do whatever I can to get closer with Him.
I want the good things that I do out of fleshly enjoyment to turn into mere channels through which I can get closer to God.
I want my desire of God to be so strong that I can joyfully repent of the sinful things that the flesh leads me to do, instead of struggling with guilt, conviction, or addiction.

I’ve been praying for a while for that kind of a desire, and I got kind of frustrated with God because it didn’t start happening in the way I wanted it to. I expected Him to make that desire just start growing in me, since I know that I am incapable of overcoming my flesh – a part of myself – on my own. But day after day, that desire didn’t start growing..
But recently, something unexpected happened – God started showing me other things – little things here and there in my own behavior – that, through his grace, I am capable of overcoming and improving. He kind of told me that these things are little personal “prerequisites” that, when satisfied, will bring about changes in my character that will make that desire for God grow.
(I should clarify here: I’m not saying that God told me “Stop doing X,Y, and Z and you will have an insatiable desire for intimacy with me,” as there is no magic trick to make it work. I see it as a never-ending, never-complete process with which God can bring himself closer to us.)

So. It is what it is. God is working in ways smarter than I think he should work. He is faithful. I am willing. All praise to God, who strengthens me!

Writing last night’s post reminded me why I blog in the first place. Yes, it was long, and probably didn’t make much sense to anyone but myself, but all of the thought and questioning required in transforming my abstract thoughts into written form helps me understand the issue at question better – I feel a lot less “lost in it all” now than before I sat down for an hour and wrote about it.

On a completely different schedule, living in Arizona for 4 years made me forget how much I detest daylight savings time.  My body didn’t adjust to the time change at all, and now that we’ve sprung ahead, being up “late” now means 3 AM instead of 2 AM, and now it’s 6:30 PM and I feel like dinner should still be a long way off.  Stupid northern farmers. DST is useless!

One good thing about it, though, is that it’s one more sign that spring will finally be here in 11 days. That doesn’t mean much in Colorado, and I expect at least 2 more substantial snowstorms, but the sunnier, the better.

Today I saw something I haven’t seen since last summer: a bee.  More specifically, a dying bee.

bee.jpg (yes, this photo is crap. My iPhone is my “carry-around” camera, not my Canon. Just trust me, that speck in the center is a writhing bee.)

At first the bee was running all over the window frames, and had me on the edge – I frickin hate bees. But after a few minutes, it changed to rolling movements, stretching and contracting, curling up, slowly kicking its legs in what seemed like a desire to go out fighting, to never give up. Now, though, it is near motionless, a victim of its own inevitable mortality.

I think it’s weird how we rarely see most living things die. Whenever I’m around wildlife, there usually are plenty of living creatures around me, but I don’t notice a bunch of carcasses. I guess a lot of it can be chalked up to the food chain, but I have to admit that nature is very good at cleaning up after itself. But what about this bee? It died on a coffeeshop windowsill, in the unnatural urban habitat controlled by the humans. Will a scavenging spider claim it? Will it be swept up by a barista at closing time?

Likewise, it reminds me of how insignificant my own life is from a universal perspective. All the time I spend freaking out over relatively little stuff could really be spent doing better things…


I am beginning to notice a couple of annoying personality traits I have:

  1. I have a tendency to be prideful, arrogant, controlling, and overly confident in my own work.
  2. I react with strong negativity towards others who are prideful, arrogant, controlling, or overly confident in their own work.

Reconciling the two is obviously difficult. I know that part of the solution comes in humbling myself and opening myself to others’ ideas… But when that happens, how do I protect myself from those who don’t do the same?

A lot of my life has been about recognizing that because everyone is imperfect and makes mistakes, we should try to find the best solutions to protect ourselves from our own mistakes so that we can live in relative peace with one another, even when we disagree over what is wrong or right.  Recently, I have been feeling more like there is a more obvious standard of right and wrong that can be derived from observation and logic. I recognize the slippery slope that puts me on, and I’m not sure if this change was brought about by an unchecked hardening of my own ego, or by “maturing” or something else completely.

While this definitely has implications in the spheres of politics and culture, I think that the place where it really hits home for me is in the spiritual realm. I have directly witnessed a pretty wide range of spiritual opinions, from “All roads lead to heaven,” to “there is no such thing as good or evil or God,” to “[Monotheistic religion] is the only true religion, all others are false and evil because they aren’t ours, and the world will only be at peace once it is a global theocracy under our control.”

Part of me is troubled by the apparent majority of people who adopt their religious, political, or cultural perspective because of their circumstances rather than a conscious logical evaluation of each alternative. I go to Christian churches, but I don’t know if I would had I been born in, say, Indonesia. Statistically, most people tend to vote for the same parties that their parents voted for. This doesn’t tell us which (or if) one is “wrong” or “right,” but people on either side fully believe in their decisions, and thus rifts are caused between people of different ideals – even though they would likely change their tune had they been born into different circumstances.

This might be my ego talking, so please treat it with the obligatory grain of salt, but I would like to think that I’ve done things a bit differently. Maybe it’s just been because I am the product of multiple divorced households with vastly different perspectives, but I think I’ve put a lot more thought into my choices where most just go in agreement with their peers and predecessors.  But even in this, I am unsure of myself – surely, my decisions are still influenced by “circumstance over logic” at an undetectable, subconscious level.

It hurts most when I see people with whom I have something in common, but were not there because of an educated decision. It is saddening to realize that people are most influenced by misinformation and personality smears in politics, or to see churchgoers who improperly use faith as an excuse to abandon the biblically commanded logic and questioning that protects them from false prophets and heretical teachings. While these people happen to have some views in common with me, there is really nothing different between them and the people they disagree with.

And amongst all of this, I am still plagued by the nagging feeling that I am being far too arrogant to think that I am above all of this – that I myself am guilty of the very same things I accuse others of doing. Part of me says, “Just worry about yourself and let others do the same,” and another part says, “Just because you’re being arrogant doesn’t mean you aren’t right!”

In all of this, my faith is the one thing that I do not doubt. I believe without doubt that God will not lead me astray, and that he is in control while we are all so messed up. I’m not sure of much beyond that, but I at least have the confidence that whatever reaction I have to these big questions, much wiser hands than my own are on the wheel.


Just another nail in the coffin of the monster that is the modern music industry…

Ghosts I-IV

Nine Inch Nails have made the surprise release of Ghosts I-IV, a 2-CD, 36-track release. Trent Reznor has the following to say:

We’re very proud to present a new collection of instrumental music, Ghosts I-IV. Almost two hours of music recorded over an intense ten week period last fall, Ghosts I-IV sprawls Nine Inch Nails across a variety of new terrain.Now that we’re no longer constrained by a record label, we’ve decided to personally upload Ghosts I, the first of the four volumes, to various torrent sites, because we believe BitTorrent is a revolutionary digital distribution method, and we believe in finding ways to utilize new technologies instead of fighting them.

We encourage you to share the music of Ghosts I with your friends, post it on your website, play it on your podcast, use it for video projects, etc. It’s licensed for all non-commercial use under Creative Commons.

Ghosts I, the first nine tracks of the album, is available free from or on popular BitTorrent listings. The full album is available in many forms:

  • A $5 download from, in the customer’s choice of DRM-free formats:
    • FLAC lossless
    • Apple lossless
    • LAME MP3 320Kbps
  • A $5 download from Amazon MP3

As for the music itself, I have listened to Ghosts I and it makes great ambient, non-intrusive music.

This is just one more encouraging step to see music succeed without any need for greedy labels. Like this album, Deliver Me Seven’s debut album will be available DRM-free from iTunes, Amazon, and eMusic this spring.

Everyday Joe’s

We had a blast at Everyday Joe’s tonight. It was our first show with a really good sound guy and a monitoring system that actually let us hear ourselves so we could lay back a bit and enjoy it all.

Jeff Penoyer brought his DSLR and got some amazing pictures; my mom got some good ones, too:

We’re taking the month of March off, but have a ton of great stuff planned for April, including our CD release party.