The Obama Tax Cut

This site is a great tool, check it out… Put in your basic tax information (nothing personal) and it calculates your tax cut under Barack Obama’s tax proposal – and how much more you will pay under McCain’s plan.

This is an important factor for conservatives to consider- the Republican party of the last eight years has abandoned the ideals of fiscal conservativism in pursuit of other priorities, such as their aggressive foreign policy agenda and expansions of executive privelege in an ever-more-powerful federal government. While the GOP once served the interests of responsible spending and limited government, this is no longer the case.

I make no claims that Barack Obama is himself a conservative- he is most certainly liberal in his views. However, his plans and policies (warning: PDF link) reach above partisan politics and should serve to benefit all Americans, not just liberals. Conservatives no longer have a party or candidate that truly stands for them, but I believe that Barack Obama’s tax cuts and other plans deserve a lot more attention from the displaced conservative demographic.

Sail On, LeRoi

If I go before I’m old
Oh brother of mine please don’t forget me if I go

LeRoi Moore, founding member and saxaphonist of The Dave Matthews Band, left us yesterday due to complications from an ATV accident earlier this summer.

The outpouring of grief on DMB fansite is moving. This blog tribute to LeRoi seems to best sum up his effect on his fans and fellow musicians.

Thanks for all of the great music, LeRoi. You will be missed, and it won’t be “The” Dave Matthews Band without you.


Video Tribute to LeRoi Moore


As an American who has been completely ignorant to foreign relations in ex-Soviet states, I have no idea what to make of the current situation in Georgia. It seems as if both sides share at least some blame, and aren’t presenting the whole picture of what is going on. Listening to American commentary doesn’t help either, as our government has its own foreign policy agenda to look out for and cannot afford impartiality.

I did run into two interesting editorials on the issue, however: one from Georgia’s president and one from Russia’s minister of foreign affairs. Both have some valid arguments and both seem to skip over a few of the important historical issues. It wasn’t enough to sway me either way, but I feel like I have a better idea of what’s going on.

The only thing I know for sure is this: nobody is putting the concerns of the people of South Ossetia first. Russia claims that their current actions were made to prevent genocide, but they are accused of covertly running the separatist movement for a long time prior. Georgia seems like they are most concerned with national sovereignty and not the human rights of the separatists. In all, it’s a mess and everybody in power is worried most about politics and power, and not the people of the war-devastated region. How disappointing.

Lake Powell

I just spent a few days in Utah houseboating with some old friends from high school. It was perfect- just what the doctor ordered (most of this summer has been spent studying and working).

I also got to see my Arizona family for a few hours before and after the Lake Powell trip. That was nice as well, got to see Ethan off to his first day of Kindergarten.

So… Time for photos!

Lake Powell photos on Picasa

What To Do About Having Long Hair

I ran into this today… Bassist Matt Williams of He Is Legend wrote this post on . Since traffic to my blog seems to spike whenever I talk about my hair, I figured I’d share a couple of good quotes from it here-

PRO: Long hair on dudes attracts attention. Especially from girls/women. (ie. “Oh my god your hair is so long and gorgeous!” “I’m so jealous of your hair!” “It smells so good!”)

CON: Those girls would never be caught dead dating you. You’re looked at more as a novelty than someone they are attracted to. They will never admit that to your face. Its the truth.

…If you’re a dude, just don’t have long hair. Thats what to do about it.  Cut it. I look ridiculous, and so do you unless you have boobs and don’t grow hair on your face.

As for my own hair… I’ve yet again done the thing where I say for months that I’m due for a cut, and it’s gotten long enough in the meantime that I’m not sure I want to cut it now. I am such a fickle idiot when it comes to my hair.