Barack in Fort Collins

Today 50,000 people packed the Oval at CSU to see Barack Obama speak. The line was two and a half miles long, and the rally got an early start, so the Secret Service stopped screening people in order to get everyone in as quickly as possible.

My friends and I got a spot about two thirds back on the length of the oval. Because the crowd was so long, it was pretty hard to see, so we ended up taking turns pushing up on each others’ shoulders to get a quick glimpse. My camera has a swiveling screen, so I could get it above some heads and see a bit, periscope-style. But most of all, it was great just to be there.

Obama  mostly went through his current stump speech, emphasizing his plans to make taxes lower than they were under Ronald Reagan, reform healthcare, restore the economy, and improve access to education.

Because of our location farther back on the oval, I couldn’t get the greatest photos, but I managed to take a few decent ones… Check them out on my Picasa album. I also took a quick video of Obama speaking on the economy, as well as one of the crowd of 50,000.

Meet Joe the Plumber

This last debate had me wondering what all this “Joe the Plumber” fuss was about… So I asked the internets, and they told me to watch this:


Joe the Plumber on YouTube
This is just me talking, but I found this conversation much more informative than the entire debate which kept on throwing Joe’s name around for political fodder and support. I wasn’t proud of either candidate’s performances in the three debates, but stuff like this deserves a lot more attention. Negative ads and smears that don’t show the whole picture are escaping the actual issues, which nobody seems to be talking about these days. I wish I could see more stuff like this from both Obama and McCain – we’d be making much more informed decisions if they could just change their approach.

Don’t vote!


“Don’t Vote!” on YouTube

Colorado has till Monday to register to make your voice heard, and this is one of the closest states in the whole country. Every single person is going to make a difference this time around, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

No matter where you are in the country, you can find pretty much everything you need at this site. Registration information and deadlines, voting locations, it’s all there. Do yourself a favor and make your voice heard. If you don’t vote, don’t complain when you choose not to make a difference.