Happy 2009, all!
Today I’ll be flying out for a semester of study abroad in Granada, Spain. I’m excited beyond description for sure.
Just wanted to share a few basic details before I go:
- After a week of visiting Madrid and Toledo, I will settle in with a host family and one other study abroad student in Granada, where I’ll be taking some language and culture classes.
- Yes, I’ll be trying to visit lots of other places in Spain and greater Europe while I’m there. All reccommendations of places to visit or avoid are welcome!
- I’m taking two cameras and an Eee PC with me to document the trip. Everything will be posted here on ZekeWeeks.com and gets reposted to Facebook as well. You can also keep an eye on my photo gallery at Picasa. I don’t know how frequently I’ll be updating, but we’ll see.
- I’m reachable by e-mail or Facebook. I have a cell phone with Spanish and U.S. numbers, but won’t be giving that out, since I want to do most communication over Skype (video or voice). Let me know if you want to chat and we can find some time where I can call you. Granada is UTC +1, meaning that they’re 8 hours ahead of Colorado, which is MST.
- I’ll be back stateside sometime in late May or June.
See you all on the other side…