Things I’d Kill For Right About Now

  • A calzone
  • Spicy food
  • Cellular internet on my iPhone
  • A drumset
  • Buildings that aren’t frickin’ freezing everywhere
  • Laundry that takes a couple of hours to run instead of the better part of a week. I’ve been wearing the same pants since Saturday.
  • Anything but a lager. Stout, pale ale, WHATEVER!

3 thoughts on “Things I’d Kill For Right About Now”

  1. spicy food: got get some indian. And ask for salsa picante, aka indian pickles 😉
    stout / pale ale / etc: there are some irish and british style pubs in the downtown zone headed up towards plaza nueva. i’d try there …. but, i’d also prolly just switch to wine 😉
    laundry, yeah, just put those same pants back on.

  2. kathy says all jeans should be worn two to three times before washing, especially in another country! And Felicia says, are those the jeans I found for you? Heck, yeah, put em back on, and own it!! and kathy and felicia say, where’s my postcard!?

    klt sez you brought this on yourself by telling fz to nag you for postcards!!
    As your academic advisor, klt says….

    Thanks for calling Zeke!!!

  3. You all are wonderful. Really.
    I’m getting to the point now of wearing the same jeans well over the 2-3 times mark, haven’t had a fresh load of laundry since getting here. The jeans Felicia found for me are in the wash now, otherwise I’d be wearing em…

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