The press embargo for iPhone 4 reviews is over. Engadget, who does a pretty good job of objectively reviewing devices, has a very thorough iPhone 4 review. I’m surprised by just how positive this review is – Apple must have really hit it out of the park this time. Editor-in-Chief Joshua Topolsky went as far as to write:

“We can’t overstate how high-end the design of the iPhone 4 is. The 3GS now feels cheap and chubby by comparison, and even a phone like the HTC Droid Incredible — which just came out — seems last-generation.”

Way to twist the knife, Topolsky. I feel like I’m missing out now with my 2 month old Incredible. (I keep telling myself, “I went with Android for the software, I went for the software…” It doesn’t help.)

Celebrating Much More Than Dads

This day is for those who are fathers not by blood, but by actions.

This day is for single moms,  because one mother’s day is far from enough to recognize just how much you work and sacrifice for your kids.

This day is for the extended family members who step in and share the burden of bringing up a child in often unexpected times of life.

This day is for foster & adoptive parents, who go out of their way to give their everything to a child who has nothing.

This day is for anyone that has a less than perfect relationship with their father – may you have healing, strength, independence, and the grace to forgive.

The press embargoes have lifted and the first reviews of the Apple iPad are up. Walt Mossberg usually doesn’t write very critical reviews, but this time he seems to have hit all of the right points in his Wall Street Journal / AllThingsD review:

My verdict is that, while it has compromises and drawbacks, the iPad can indeed replace a laptop for most data communication, content consumption and even limited content creation, a lot of the time. But it all depends on how you use your computer.

If you’re mainly a Web surfer, note-taker, social-networker and emailer, and a consumer of photos, videos, books, periodicals and music—this could be for you. If you need to create or edit giant spreadsheets or long documents, or you have elaborate systems for organizing email, or need to perform video chats, the iPad isn’t going to cut it as your go-to device.

As for myself, I’m holding out for now. Not only am I totally inconsistent in judging first-gen Apple devices – I said that the first iPhone wasn’t for me before buying and loving it – but it’s hard justifying another device when I already switch between a smartphone, netbook and MacBook Pro.

So I don’t know what to make of this…. but everything I do these days feels so different. As if I’m watching someone else’s life in a very Being John Malkovich kind of way. It doesn’t bother me, it’s just strange because pretty much everything about my daily life has changed. I don’t know if I’m not following my passions, or if I’m not sacrificing my own will to God, or if it’s maybe even something that I’m doing right… All I know right now is that everything feels so… alien.

Whee, new theme!

I just put K2 on my WordPress site. It basically lets WordPress worry about the backend: the post database, the commenting, yada yada yada…. And K2 handles the visual end-user presentation. It’s really powerful and extensible- full of yummy AJAX and stuff… So look forward to me messing with the live version of my site, screwing it up, making it inacessible, and finally really cool.