April 23 (Bloomberg) — Whether it’s $50 to fill up your Prius or $130 for the Ford Expedition, $4-a-gallon gasoline is coming to a pump near you.

That’s right. $4 a gallon.

My Trek 4500’s fuel efficiency is about 20 miles to the Chipotle burrito.

Best part about it is, if cost of living goes up and income rises to match it, I will make more in real income by having a gas-free vehicle. It’s like everybody who drives a car giving me a tiny little raise!


Since arriving at Colorado State, I have become addicted to the following things:

  • eMusic
  • Mountain Dew/Vault
  • Linux distros
  • Carl’s Jr.
  • Tea
  • My noise isolating headphones (VERY useful in the dorms…)
  • The Office
  • Poker
  • Guitar Hero

New Year’s Meme

Ganked from Alan. First sentence from each month of posts on this blog, with commentary:

  1. January: “So the Kimock shows were totally amazing.” I got to see Steve Kimock Band four nights in a row in San Francisco. I haven’t seen them since- blar. They are all busy with their own bands. Hopefully they’ll get back together this summer or something.
  2. February: “Hola.” (not too much to comment on there…) I had just taken my first practice AP in Spanish and got a 4- which is how I did on the actual exam. Boy, did that class help me. I am basically taking the same spanish classes this year at CSU, and so far, I learned more with Zinke.
  3. March: “Got accepted to Colorado State today!” …er, yeah. w00t for CSU! My top choice was UC Santa Cruz, but I would accumulate $100,000 in debt if I went there for four years. And, as one wise teacher once told me, I would probably end up ditching class every day at UCSC, in favor of the beach and illegal substances. Also worth noting: last known haircut for me was 3/2/2006.
  4. April: “Mom came to town!” She came to Phoenix for a couple of days. We went to Sedona. ’twas fun.
  5. May: “AP Spanish done.” ’nuff said. The last month of school was a pain. But oh so much fun.
  6. June: “Wow… Been a long time since I’ve posted here.” I had the best summer ever. And no time to waste online talking about it.
  7. July: “That was fun.” (that was the entire post.) I went on a 4,444.4 mile roadtrip with my best friends. It was a blast. 12 days of the American west. More inside jokes I can think of. I lost the game.
  8. August: “I’m taking a required alcohol education online course for CSU. It’s freaking torture. THERE’S NO FAST-FORWARD BUTTON!!!” (OK, three sentences, but necessary for comedic effect.) Since taking AlcoholEDU, I have learned that nobody learned anything from it.
  9. September: “All is quiet here on the Corbett C3 front, as everyone’s taken off for the weekend.” This doesn’t bother me any more. Less people = faster internet.
  10. October: “So I’ve pretty much decided that my current Spanish class (LCC300S, Reading & Writing for Communication) is basically an easier version of last year’s Spanish 9-10 class with Loca Zinke.” Wow, I confirmed myself from the future!
  11. November: “If the Department of Homeland Security has its way, profiling and stereotyping will be used against you whenever you try to enter or leave the country.” Still true. Did I mention that the immigration process is very easy in Canada?
  12. December: “So, the coffee on CSU campus has always sucked.” Except in Rockwell hall. Being back in Arizona makes me appreciate what I had at Gold Bar. I have a nice new coffeeshop in Fort Collins, but it’s out of the way.

So there you go. Happy 2007.

It’s been really nice spending time here with some really great friends. I really miss what I have with these guys- the longest I’ve known anyone in Colorado is like… 5 months.
I know that I have everything going for me in Colorado, but just spending
a few days with some really good friends is enough to make
me want to move back.

Christmas 2006

It’s that time of the year again…. where my mom starts bugging me for my Christmas list. I can only think of a few things this year, but here they are:
NOTE: This blog is read by friends, family, strangers, and, apparently, professors researching political blogs. So don’t assume that by reading this post, you are expected to give me something.

  • $ for a fridge/freezer/microwave (my roommate is moving out at the semester, so I’ll need to replace his)
  • This shirt. I’m a medium.
  • Cool music that I haven’t heard before
  • Live Phish Vol. 13 (Halloween show where they cover the White Album in its’ entirety)
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation season DVDs (I prefer later seasons to earlier ones)
  • An official announcement of your candidacy for President in 2008 (but only if your name is Barack Obama)
  • $ to help rehaul Tiberius, my lovable two-wheeled companion. He’s taken me thousands of miles, and he’s got a long time left in him, but it’s time to give him some TLC: the first serious rehaul.

If you need give a link to this post, it can be found at http://christmas.zekeweeks.com.

What do you want for christmas?

Vague is in vogue.

Midterms week progresses. Soon it will be over.

This post is dedicated to a vague friend who writes vague blog posts, one of which makes me very happy for vague reasons 🙂

The PowerPoint slide in front of me right now (I’m in class) is the funniest thing I have ever learned about:
“How to extract insects accidentally lodged in the ear.”

Biology nerd? No.

All is quiet here on the Corbett C3 front, as everyone’s taken off for the weekend. SO…. I am immersing myself in video games for what feels like the first time in 5 years or so (I got too busy when high school hit, so I plan on making up for lost time.)

I ran into this really cool video today… I hate biology because it’s so darned hard to understand, and I’ve always been more partial to Physics because I can always see its direct effects. But this video is really awesome… I can’t remember most of the stuff that I see, but I recognize a lot of proteins and even a golgi apparatus. I suggest watching the high-res version if you can spare the bandwidth (…which I can, with my crazy university bandwidth at home).

And now I shall clean my room. And by clean my room I mean play Final Fantasy VIII until someone else shows up on my floor.

I am moving.

We’ve finalized my plans now, and I will be leaving at about 11 AM on Sunday, August 6.

It’s scary. And also really exciting. I have no problem with the idea of leaving Arizona (it’s hot and I miss my old home) but there are some friends that I am really, really going to miss.

Plans are in the works for a massive sendoff party. More on that later.